Tarrant County March 2024 General Election and Constable Race Hanson/Clark Recount Findings and Irregularities

  • Adam Hanson primary loss margin reported by Tarrant Elections was 47 votes. The recount revealed a net 28 vote shift in favor of Hanson resulting in a 19 vote margin.
  • 53 more votes reported by Tarrant Elections than ballots counted in the recount.
  • 77 votes counted by Tarrant Elections from voters who were in an uncured suspended status. These votes should not have been counted.
  • 125 voters reported by Tarrant County Elections as having voted in Hanson/Clark race not shown as voting on the April 1 Tarrant County voter roll.
  • 86 people on Tarrant County voter roll on April 1 are shown as voted in this race, but were not counted.
  • 171 more poll book vote check-ins than actual voted ballots in Republican primary.
  • 88 more votes reported as cast in Secretary of State records than reported in Tarrant County records for Republican Primary.
  • Ballot chain-of-custody (the observed and documented trail of the custody, control, and transfer) is compromised. Multiple ballot bags not properly locked and numerous additional chain-of-custody violations observed.
  • At least 3 instances during the recount missing ballots were “found” when Asst Election Administrator Havard went to ballot storage closet where there was no video oversight and returned with ballots that were in plastic bags.
  • Ballots were not all on same paper stock. Counters observed at least 4 different types of ballot paper.
  • Pre-election “hash” testing necessary to confirm integrity of the election software failed both times tested.
  • Tarrant Election Administrators invited the public to attempt to hack pre-election machine integrity testing (known as Logic and Accuracy Testing). An intrusion occurred during the testing that resulted in Election Administration personnel shutting down the controller and/or scanner.
  • Tarrant County Republican primary races that were decided by narrow margins and have not been audited:

- Tax Assessor (Barnes/Burgess - 705 (.56%) margin –134,179 votes cast

- Texas House 97 (Bean/Robnett/McQueeney) - Bean 157 (.57%) margin from majority to avoid run-off- 18,271 votes cast

• Adam Hanson was required to pay $14,682 for this recount. A lawsuit with significant legal fees was necessary to pursue a new election. Adam’s pursuit of a recount had led to an understanding expected to improve the security of our future elections.  We urge you help cover these costs by donating at the link below.


Donate to Help Adam Hanson!

Last Four Digits of Phone Number for Venmo: 8990

Recommendations and Conclusions

  • If an election cannot be accurately, thoroughly and efficiently audited then the results cannot be trusted. Tarrant County elections cannot currently be accurately, thoroughly and efficiently audited.
  • County-wide voting must end. County-wide voting severely impairs audits of elections.
  • Pre-printed sequentially numbered ballots are essential to supporting effective election audits.
  • Electronic voting is inherently unsecure. If Tarrant County insists on continuing with electronic voting it must modify its current contractual relationship with election company Hart InterCivic. Tarrant County and the public are prevented from examining election databases and software source codes.  Without access to all election data and software the integrity and security of elections cannot be effectively audited.
  • Compromised ballot chain-of-custody allow opportunities to add, subtract or modify ballots.

Elected Officials Responsible for Tarrant County Voting System and Personnel


County Judge and Commissioners

Tarrant County Judge

County Judge Tim O’Hare

(817) 884-1441




Manny Ramirez

(817) 238-4400



Gary Fickes

(817) 581-3600



Alan Brooks

(817) 248-6295



Alisa Simmons

(817) 248-6099


Tarrant Election Commission Members (Responsible for Recommending Hire and Termination of Election Administrator)


Mary Louise Nicholson

(817) 884-1195



Wendy Burgess

(817) 884-1100



Bo French

GOP Chair

(817) 595-0303



Crystal Gayden

Democrat Chair

(817) 335-8683



Tim O’Hare

Tarrant County Judge

(817) 884-1441
